Hello. My name is Christie Farley.
I feel my way through the day and the night.
I listen to my body and to those around me.
I trust what is happening in a present moment and honor that which feels just and right; though not necessarily fair. Working out my construct of fairness.
I read. I read poems. I read serious authors on real topics. I also read wildly ridiculous fiction. I love the art and configuration of words, that become images, that become understanding. Sometimes I have to read, and re-read, and re-read a piece or a page because I want it to sink into my soul. Other times I re-read and re-read because I have heavy eye lids and drop books on my face in the bed.
I will try a walk path anywhere once. If I like it, it becomes part of the rotation. I walk to move my body, to move thoughts and emotions around, to ground myself and to breath deep and to take in beauty. I will get on a treadmill if that is the only option, but goodness it is hardly ever the only option. Perk of the little corner of the world I live in; a privilege indeed.
I cook to experiment on the awe and wonder of what makes something delicious. I cook to gather people around for a conversation or game night or simply to exchange my cuisine for their depth of thought and being. Thank you to all that eat what I serve so I can ask you no less than 1000 questions. You’re welcome for the tried and true delicious lasagna.
I am in process on this thing called life. Better today than yesterday. Hope-filled for tomorrow and who I am becoming. But most importantly I am content with the right here and the right now, to be present with what is and to understand the profound beauty of what one degree of choice and change can do in a moment and over time.
How to reach me: cmf@christiefarley.com